Tackling Spring Allergies! | AFC Urgent Care of East Tennessee

Spring days are upon us—and with them, spring allergies. But our team at AFC Urgent Care TN wants to make sure that you’re still able to enjoy the beautiful days of spring here in east Tennessee. That’s why we have some tips to share about fighting spring allergies.

Just Say “No” to Pollen

The grass is growing. The flowers are blooming. The eyes are watering.

All these things we have been waiting to see as signs that spring is here are also wreaking havoc on our health—and everyone is at risk! In fact, more than 50 million people in the United States have some type of nasal allergy.

It’s time for all 50 million of us to start enjoying the nice weather and stop being miserable thanks to the seasonal allergies, also known as “hay fever.”

If you’re suffering from one or more of the following symptoms, you probably have an allergy:

  • Coughing
  • Itchy throat
  • Red, itchy, watery eyes
  • Runny or stuffy nose
  • Sneezing
  • Wheezing

Fortunately, if you visit one of our urgent care centers and come back with an allergy diagnosis, there are things you can do to help limit your symptoms:

First, limit your time outside. While the warm weather might be calling your name, breathing those billions of tiny pollen grains into your lungs can instantly trigger an allergic reaction. It’s best to stay indoors during the early morning hours, especially on the days the pollen counts are really high.

Second, talk to one of our knowledgeable physicians about taking an allergy medication. Antihistamines, nasal sprays and allergy shots can help you to find relief from the sniffles and runny nose the allergy season can bring.

Finally, make your home an allergy-free zone. Have everyone take their shoes off before coming inside your home and shut all your windows to help keep the pollen out!

Tired of allergies getting in the way of enjoying your day? Visit one of our AFC Urgent Care TN locations today to speak with one of our physicians who can help you find relief.