Protect Your Family From the Flu

It’s official. The flu has arrived in the Chattanooga area. Schools closed due to illness, and more and more visits are being made to urgent care centers with cold and flu symptoms. Now’s the time to take action to ensure illness stays away.

Avoid the Flu

Of course, the best ways to avoid the flu are washing hands frequently and getting your flu shot. However, there are other things you can do to increase your chances of avoiding the flu this season.

First, pack your diet with immune boosters. Citrus fruits, yogurt, almonds, garlic and leafy green vegetables can all help build up your system to help it fight off illness.

Second, as crazy as this sounds, keep a window slightly open in your house. Even if it’s cold outside, a stuffy home with no fresh air can expose you to sickness, since the air isn’t able to circulate. Let some fresh air in to let some sickness out!

Try to stay away from those who are sick. If you’re going to be in close quarters with a coworker or family member who’s under the weather, be sure to wash your hands regularly, avoid touching your face, and disinfect all hard surfaces.

If you do end up getting sick this season, ease your symptoms by staying home and getting rest. Also, be sure you’re drinking plenty of fluids. Try staying away from soda, which can actually dehydrate you. If water doesn’t seem appealing, try ice pops, flavored water, hot tea or low-calorie sports drinks for some variety.

Don’t wait. If you feel you’re experiencing flu symptoms, visit one of our urgent care centers immediately!