How Often Should I Wash My Sheets?

Washing the sheets is something that many of us forget to do, but man, is it important! Consistently remembering to keep your sheets clean cuts down on the number of dust mites in your home and also can make allergy symptoms better if you tend to struggle with seasonal allergies.

Studies show that most Americans change their sheets every 24 days, but is that enough? Find out below as our team at AFC Urgent Care TN gives the scoop on bed linen cleanliness.

What Happens If I Don’t Change My Sheets?

When you get in the bed, many organisms like bacteria, pollen and animal dander get in the bed with you. If these things are left unkempt for a long amount of time, they won’t necessarily make you sick, but they can.

Bacteria, pollen and pet dander can also trigger eczema or cause dermatitis among people that have skin problems. In addition to skin problems, overly dirty sheets can cause other negative health effects that we’ve listed below.

Negative Health Effects of Dirty Sheets

  • Can cause breathing problems for those with asthma
  • Can increase your chances of getting a cold or the flu
  • Can cause acne breakouts on the face and back

So When Should I Wash My Sheets?

Even though most Americans wash their sheets every 24 days or so, most experts recommend weekly sheet washings.

With so much going on in our lives, it can be difficult to remember to wash your bedding every week, so don’t stress if you don’t get to it. Set a reminder to wash your bedding at least every two weeks to cut down on the amount of dead skin cells and dust mites that are in the bed.

How to Keep My Bed Sheets Clean

  • Limit eating in the bed.
  • Don’t go to bed without showering or taking a bath first.
  • Keep your pets off of your actual bedsheets. Maybe designate a spot for them on a separate blanket.

AFC Urgent Care TN wants you to do your best to stay healthy this season! If you feel under the weather, don’t hesitate to visit us.