How Can I Stay Healthy During the Holiday Season?

Why in the world are we talking about the holidays when it is only September? Well, because they literally are just around the corner!

While some people consider the start of football season a holiday, the holidays of Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas are just months away. Therefore, our team at AFC Urgent Care TN wants you to start making a plan now so that you can enjoy a healthier, happier holiday season this year!

How Can I Eat Well During the Holidays?

One of the biggest things involved in the holidays is food. The holiday gatherings are seemingly all centered around food, so it can be no wonder we sometimes end up gaining the holiday 15 by the time January rolls around.

However, by making healthier choices this holidays season, you can stay one step ahead of the game.

Ways to Stay on a Healthy Eating Plan During the Holidays

  • Enjoy conversations with friends and family.
  • Make sure to drink water throughout the day.
  • Create a holiday menu that includes healthier options.
  • Resist the urge to splurge.
  • Give yourself a treat day.
  • Eat a small, healthy meal before heading to a party.

How Much Weight Is Usually Gained Over the Holidays?

According to most studies, people gain an average of five pounds between Thanksgiving and New Year’s.

However, it doesn’t have to be this way. By making better eating choices, as well as making sure you are still finding time for exercise, you can still enjoy the holiday season without the weight gain!

Ways to Exercise When Busy

  • Park far away from your destination and walk to the door.
  • Take laps around the mall.
  • Play with the kids.
  • Work out indoors.
  • Try winter sports.
  • Set goals and reward yourself for achieving them.
  • Exercise as a family.

Has it been awhile since your last wellness check? Stop by one of AFC Urgent Care TN locations today! No appointment is necessary.