Healthy Summer Sports

With the summer comes a litany of different options, at least as far as hobbies go. Whether your child is artistic, athletic, a bit of a nerd, a gamer, or a combination thereof, they have a plethora of great options staring them in the face.

However, what if your child is hoping to get in better shape this summer? What activities can help them to achieve the lifestyle goals that both you and they hope for? Summer sports are a great way to have fun, get a little bit of competition in, and get in the best shape of their life.

Here are three sports for your child to try this summer:

1) Baseball
Most baseball leagues have summer teams, and most of the time, the summer teams are actually quite competitive. Although baseball has a reputation for being a more sedentary sport, the exercise required to maintain a grueling schedule of practices and games can be quite beneficial.

2) Soccer
If you want to get in more cardio when you workout, soccer is definitely the way to go. If you can run on the soccer pitch for 90 plus minutes a game, all while pivoting, weaving, and twisting your way through the defense, you probably aren’t short on healthy habits.

3) Tennis
Although tennis is an individual or pairs sport, it still requires quite a bit of energy. With tennis being so burst-reliant, with the players going from a stand to full run in seconds, tennis can help train certain muscles that you may not otherwise use.